Terms of Use

cyberSW is the result of decades of research in Southwest archaeology and represents an effort to bring that work onto a single research-focused platform to further investigations into broad spatial and temporal patterns in Southwest prehistory. Users acknowledge that cyberSW content will only be used in research or published works per the following conditions:

  1. Users must accompany all uses and applications of this content with proper citation and attribution (below).
  2. Users will not further distribute cyberSW content, except when properly cited in derivative research products such as articles or conference presentations.
  3. Users must not use cyberSW content in ways that could be reasonably expected to lead, directly or indirectly, to damage to the archaeological record.
  4. Users acknowledge that neither Archaeology Southwest, the University of Arizona, nor any sponsors and associates guarantee the accuracy or usability of the content and further agree that they may not hold any of these parties liable for any direct or consequential damage arising from their use of cyberSW or its content.
  5. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of cyberSW and its content is consistent with applicable law.

Suggested citation:

Mills, Barbara, Sudha Ram, Jeffery Clark, Scott Ortman, and Matthew Peeples. 2020 cyberSW Version 1.0, Archaeology Southwest, Tucson.